Mark Corradine – Deputy CEO, Ganado Trustees & Fiduciaries Ltd

Mark is a highly experienced trust and fiduciary professional, having worked for nearly 20 years in various jurisdictions in the wealth management industry. Amongst holding other qualifications, he studied to Diploma level with the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators (ICSA) in 2009, but was looking to continue his professional development through a higher level academic qualification. The Need Mark was looking to enhance his existing skills and knowledge in management and administration in the financial sector. He was based in Jersey at the time and was looking for a robust high level academic programme that he could fit in around his demanding role. The Solution  The part-time MSc Corporate Governance taught over 2 academic years at the GTA in Guernsey, met Mark’s needs for a rigorous high level programme, which had the added benefit of a dual qualification with ICSA, delivered by high quality tutors from Bournemouth University. The Impact  Whilst studying for the MSc itself, his employer ran an internal competition around suggestions for how to improve their business. Mark entered the competition as he was inspired by the MSc’s lectures on the importance of ethics in building lasting organisational success. This is what happened next:

 Thanks to the GTA I went to the Rugby World Cup Finals! Asked how to improve our organisation, I based my recommendations on the ethics and moral integrity lectures that I had attended as part of my MSc Corporate Governance course.  To my absolute delight, my answer won me a set of tickets to watch the rugby world cup final in Twickenham. Learning in action!! Thanks GTA.” - Mark Corradine

His winning answer recommended more emphasis by senior management on reinforcing good practice and moral conduct at all levels.  His point was that compliance with prescribed regulation only goes so far - striving to be an ethical organization means all employees should display excellent moral conduct both in business, and outwardly to the greater community, at all times. Mark went on to graduate from the MSc Corporate Governance in 2016, and also gained Graduate ICSA status. Since graduating he has moved to Malta and been appointed as Deputy CEO of Ganado Trustees & Fiduciaries Limited. For more information about the MSc Corporate Governance please contact GTA Head of University Programmes Kate Lenfestey on 746889.