Case study - Lucy Rimann, World of Work Academy

Lucy is a trust administrator at Kleinwort Hambros. She attended our World of Work Academy recently. Here is what she thought: What did you gain from the Wow Academy?

"The most beneficial aspect of the course for school leavers will be learning about work culture and the fundamental skills that are required to exceed in a job. We were taught how to communicate professionally, which is a desirable skill for my role as I have some contact with intermediaries, and I now feel more confident with my external communications. This is particularly important, as it is not a skill taught by schools; due to the rise of social media and other messaging platforms, young people are no longer used to communicating in person or on the phone."

What was the highlight of the programme?

"It was interesting learning about how outsourcing and automation of tasks will affect the job market in the future. I thought it was good that the course promotes the importance of gaining qualifications and continuing to learn after leaving full time education, and Peter should definitely continue to be communicate this to future delegates, as teachers do not put enough emphasis on this at school."

Would you recommend it to someone else? 

"The course is very interactive and engaging. Discussing the preparation of CVs and the skills most desired by employers would be very beneficial for individuals with no experience and for students who are due to leave education. Skills that were taught during the course such as behaving more assertively and professionally as well as the focus on body language, would all be very useful for confidence building during interviews."

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