Case study: Jade Cook – Company Secretary, Ipes

Jade is an experienced company secretary working for the Ipes group of companies. In 2014 she was looking to further her professional development through an industry-recognised academic qualification and discovered the GTA were offering Bournemouth University's MSc Corporate Governance in Guernsey. We asked her what the benefits of the course being run on-island in Guernsey are:

"I think it’s really important to people in Guernsey, it makes it much more convenient, I don’t think I could do an online degree or masters degree I think it would just be too difficult – I need that interaction between lecturer and student. I need that support from my class to really buckle down and try really hard with it."

And what would she say to someone who was thinking about doing the course?

"I would say do it! I would say try your hardest for two years and you’ll get the masters degree and the ICSA qualification and it’ll be well worth it for your professional career and your personal development."

Jade went on to graduate with Merit and Graduate ICSA status. For more information about the MSc Corporate Governance please contact GTA Head of University Programmes Kate Lenfestey on 746889.