We hosted our first networking event on 19 October for the Investors in People community and invited local organisations that hold Investors in People Gold. So often as businesses we work in isolation and do not have the chance to share ideas and best practice with fellow IiP companies. We bought together these businesses to tell us their stories about how they use the IiP Standard and how they keep it alive. Listening today, these organisations shared with us their top tips for other organisations who are interested in achieving Investors in People, these include:-
- It’s not as much work as you think
- You are probably achieving a lot of the standard now without realising it
- IiP gives you a great structure to work with when your organisation is going through a period of change
- IiP helps you to evaluate your communication channels and introduce new ones
- IiP easily links to your day to day working
- Never underestimate what you do
- It is never a good time so just go for it!
If you would like to find out more about Investors in People, please contact Janine Lane at [email protected] or Kate Sole at [email protected].