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IoD Introductory Certificate in Board Readiness
“Being promoted from a manager to a director is all about changing your mind-set and as I sit on the underlying subsidiary boards, it is important to have an understanding and awareness of our long term plan and strategy rather than being an expert in all areas.
I would recommend the IoD Introductory Certificate in Board Readiness to anyone in a senior management role as it has given me the confidence to believe in my abilities and to grow as a director being confident to question others in the board room”.
Marie H Trust Corporation
Introduction to the Workplace
Fantastic well run course with lots of ideas to take back to the workplace
Lucille W
Introduction to Trust Law and Administration
As I am someone who is new to Trust I came away with a much better understanding in the basics of Trusts. The course was enlightening in that aspect and I came away with more confidence in doing my job.
Chloe G
Fund Overview Level 2
It was very insightful. Course content: Relevant content and delivered really well. Excellent delivery and in depth knowledge on Funds.
Melody M