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Room Hire

We have a suite of four rooms available for hire at St Peter Port House.

Our rooms are fully equipped and can accommodate up to 35 people theatre-style. We can set them up according to your needs, including as an IT suite with the use of up to 15 laptops included.

Room One

  • 8.5m x 6.5m
  • Three large windows
  • Seating capacity:
    • 35 (theatre)
    • 25 (classroom)
    • 18 (boardroom)
    • 16 (U-shape)

Room Two

  • 6.5m x 5.2m
  • Four large windows
  • Seating capacity:
    • 18 (theatre)
    • 10 (classroom)
    • 14 (boardroom)
    • 12 (U-shape)

Room Three

  • 7m x 6.3m
  • Two large windows
  • Seating capacity:
    • 20 (theatre)
    • 12 (classroom)
    • 14 (boardroom)
    • 14 (U-shape)

Room Four - L-shaped

  • 3m x 3.5m (narrow) and 5.2m x 5.9m (wide)
  • One window - this room has a softer feel to it, and is ideal for smaller meetings and coaching
  • Seating capacity:
    • 14 (theatre)
    • 8 (classroom)
    • 12 (boardroom)

All rooms have WiFi, air-conditioning and natural daylight.

For more information or to make a booking, please download our rate card and booking form. Send your completed booking forms to [email protected]  and we'll be in touch to confirm.

Contact Us

To find out more about
Room Hire please get in
contact via the details below.


Excellence in Customer Service

Very engaging and interactive. Best tutor I have had.

Arron H

Time Management for Busy Professionals

I have taken away some great information and tips.

Jemma M

NED Development Programme

I have very much appreciated the time given by the Board and the Chairman in providing insight into the running of the company as well as the challenges and experiences that the Board encounters, such as in the areas of corporate governance and stakeholder management.

Tony M Utmost

Using LinkedIn to promote and build your ‘Personal Brand’

Good intro to LinkedIn and gave me some food for thought. I like Nichole's training approach, she is very flexible in dealing with the direction of travel of the attendee needs rather than simple sticking to the script.

Paul E

Private Equity Administration

Very informative, interesting and amusing at times.

Clare P

Private Equity Administration

Engaging and explained complex ideas in an understandable way.

Reece R