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Do you struggle to write accurately and effectively? Do you take ages to construct an email? Do you abuse the apostrophe, and misuse the semicolon? Do your business reports fall flat?

Give your writing skills a polish with these three business-specific courses:

Effective Business Writing
30 January  (09.00-17.00)
Clear, accurate and appropriate communications are essential to every business. Whether your work involves you communicating within your organisation or with other businesses, this course will show you how to create effective, well-structured documents. Book your place here

Business Report Writing
31 January (09.00-12.30)
This half day course will help you plan, structure and write effective reports for all kinds of business. Reports that will be read and acted upon to achieve the objectives you need. Book your place here

Grammar in Business
31 January (13.30-17.00)
This half-day course will give you a refresher on how grammar and punctuation are used today, helping you to communicate clearly and effectively in business. Book your place here