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Sales & Marketing

Developing and Managing Customer Relationships

Course details

CPD Points





Full day (09:00-17:00)

Course Overview

A one-day course designed to make the concept of sales and selling something to enjoy rather than to fear.

The course will provide you with a thought provoking and challenging set of principles, ideas and initiatives to consider and mould for your own situation.

Course Content


  • Your role?
  • Your style?
  • Your aims?

The Customer

  • Who are they?
  • What are they?
  • Who could they be?

Building Relationships

  • What does it take?
  • What do they want?
  • What do they need?

Growing Relationships

  • Communication
  • Action
  • Relevance
  • Impact


  • Risk vs Reward
  • Stages
  • Getting Attention
  • Building Interest
  • Establishing the Need
  • Taking Positive Action

Course Benefits

This course has been designed in the recognition that the very thought of sales and upselling makes most people, including the clients, very uncomfortable.

Through discussion, group work and an analysis of theory and behaviour, this course will aim to engage you in thinking openly, creatively and honestly about what you need to become better at an absolute business fundamental, the support, wellbeing and development of client relationships.

Sales and Selling are not words that most feel comfortable using, but without the ability to promote and sell goods or services, businesses can flounder.

This course will enable you to consider what strong customer relationships are all about and explore how to build, maintain and grow them, without having to resort to dated impersonal tactics and the rigid structures that many have been taught in the past.

You will be asked to think about your own styles and approaches and supported in thinking about what changes you need to make to become more effective in terms of the maintenance and growth of customer relationships.

Next Steps

If you would like to book a place on this course please click on the ‘Book Course’ button to the right of this page and login or register for a user account to complete your booking(s) Any queries please do not hesitate to contact us via [email protected] or call us on 01481 224570.

If no date is scheduled for this course at the present time please click on the ‘Register Interest’ button and login or register for a user account so that we can add you to our course interest register. This register allows us to contact our tutors and finalise dates for a course as soon as we have a few people who have expressed their interest, so the more delegates who register their interest, the sooner we can schedule a particular course.

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Some courses we run are scheduled based on demand. Please ensure you register your interest to ensure we know which courses you would like to attend.