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Personal Development

Customer Experience Masterclass

Course details

CPD Points





Full day (09.30-16.00)

Course Overview

An Introduction to Customer Experience (CX) is a hands-on course with a mixture of theory and the practical application of customer experience. You will learn what customer experience is and why it’s different from customer service. You will look at customer strategy and the strategic elements of CX, then examine the building blocks of a customer experience programme, including a focus on the digital experience.

There will be an introduction to some practical tools for customer experience, followed by a workshop to build your own personalised customer experience action plan to take back to your organisation.

The course is aimed at anyone who would like to improve the customer experience in their organisation and/or start to put together a more formal plan or programme.

Course Content

  • Introduction to what customer experience is and why it is important
  • Customer strategy and customer lifecycle
  • Building blocks of customer experience
  • Practical tools – insight, customer journey, measuring your experience
  • Workshop – Build your own personalised customer experience plan

Course Benefits

  • To gain an understanding of customer experience and the different components and approaches.
  • Bring together elements of customer service and marketing to improve your customer experience and support.
  • Understand how great customer experience can make your organisation more profitable.
  • Take away a practical plan for starting or developing the customer experience at your organisation.

Next Steps

If you would like to book a place on this course please click on the ‘Book Course’ button to the right of this page and login or register for a user account to complete your booking(s). Any queries please do not hesitate to contact us via [email protected] or call us on 01481 244570. If no date is scheduled for this course at the present time please click on the ‘Register Interest’ button and login or register for a user account so that we can add you to our course interest register. This register allows us to contact our tutors and finalise dates for a course as soon as we have a few people who have expressed their interest, so the more delegates who register their interest, the sooner we can schedule a particular course.

Course Tutor

  • Charlotte Dunsterville

    Charlotte Dunsterville is an executive director with over 25 years experience of leadership in customer experience, people led transformation, customer service, marketing and customer insight.

    She has worked in a wide range of customer facing roles, starting her career “on the phones” and in retail, before moving into marketing, product and customer relationship management. She was Director of Customer Experience at Orange Group and more recently Chief Consumer Officer at Sure Telecom.

    She is now a managing partner in UN1TY, a Guernsey based senior advisory firm where she heads up the customer experience pillar advising local clients on customer strategy, client insight and people led change.

    Charlotte delivers practical, interactive training with a focus on giving participants the tools and tangible action plans to make a difference in their organisations.

Upcoming Courses

Some courses we run are scheduled based on demand. Please ensure you register your interest to ensure we know which courses you would like to attend.