Course Overview
AI is making significant inroads within the financial services industry, and when utilised to its full potential, the return on investment is clear. From scaling businesses to enhancing and streamlining compliance functions, it’s clear that AI is key to the future growth of the funds industry.
But with great power comes great responsibility. In order to fully reap the rewards that AI has to offer, businesses need to consider the ethical implications and risks to boost the adoption of AI and accelerate its capabilities.
During this session, Ove will explore these considerations, from time spent training employees in responsible AI, to transparency with customers on how AI is used. The session will also cover how AI can be implemented within financial services to drive efficiencies, while ensuring client data and confidentially remain at the forefront.
Next Steps
If you would like to book a place on this course please click on the ‘Book Course’ button to the right of this page and login or register for a user account to complete your booking(s). Any queries please do not hesitate to contact us via [email protected] or call us on 01481 225470.
If no date is scheduled for this course at the present time please click on the ‘Register Interest’ button and login or register for a user account so that we can add you to our course interest register. This register allows us to contact our tutors and finalise dates for a course as soon as we have a few people who have expressed their interest, so the more delegates who register their interest, the sooner we can schedule a particular course.